The Complete Guide of Play Area Flooring!

If you've ever wondered how to put a floor under your kids' play area, you're not alone. There are a lot of different things to consider. You need to think about the right type of surface, as well as the right type of base. It's also important to think about how the flooring will impact the safety of the area.

What are three protective surfaces for playground?

If you're interested in building a EPDM playground Flooring, you should choose a safe surface for your children. There are three types of protective surfaces that will help your kids stay safe.

Unitary surfaces include rubber tiles, rubber mulch, and carpeting products. These materials have a seamless, smooth surface that is easy to clean and roll over. They are often used on playgrounds, but they are more expensive and require professional installation.

Loose-fill surfacing includes materials like sand, wood chips, and shredded rubber. Each of these materials is safe. However, they need regular maintenance to keep them in good shape.

Rubber mulch is a safe playground surface that doesn't appeal to animals. It's also eco-friendly. But it does need to be raked regularly.

Poured rubber is also a safe option. It's made up of two layers of granular particles, including a shock-absorbing layer of rubber buffings. The top layer is smooth and uniform, while the bottom layer is textured.

Regardless of the type of protective surface you decide on, you want to be sure it's accessible. Children can trip, get hurt and even eat sand and sharp objects.

Choosing a protective surface is an important step towards creating a safe, welcoming, and inviting playground. Whether you're building an entire playground or just one piece, the materials you choose should fit your budget.

What can I use for kids playground floor?

One of the most important factors to consider when building a playground is the type of surface. Fortunately, there are many options available that are designed to keep your children safe.

Sand is a great choice for playground flooring. It offers tons of fun for your kids while protecting them from injury. However, it also has a few downsides. For example, it can get hot in summer and can be slippery when wet. Additionally, critters may mistake the sandbox for a litter box.

Wood mulch is another option for a playground surface. This type of mulch is made from bark-less chips that are about one to two inches in length. You can buy large bags at home improvement stores for a relatively low cost.

Rubber tile is another popular choice. Like wood mulch, it is made from bark-less chips. It is also easy to install. But, it is a bit more expensive than other options.
